From the Monoski to the Monoboard…

The traditional monoski was introduced to the skiing community in the mid-1960s. The first monoski was one ski with a plate mounted in the middle to receive two boots. Over time the monoski became wider but the turning dynamics remained about the same as traditional skis.

In 1992 the patented World Ski Monoboard was introduced. It had an extreme sidecut and was coupled with a stiff core to help the monoboard differentiate itself from the monoski. Although it was a fantastic carving ride, the early boards were slow, had tail washout issues (on flats), and were heavy.

In the mid-1990s, World Ski, Inc., began ramping up production of the original ski monoboard. As demand increased, production was outsourced to Donek Snowboard. Due to poor initial corporate governance, it was determined that the company could never be profitable due to unrealistic obligations. It was then that it was shut down, but, the dream of a better board never died.

Over the subsequent 25 years, the young punks who volunteered their time helping the Monoboard’s inventor Kent Hunter develop and produce World Ski, Inc.’s initial boards have privately continued to tweak the design.

As those young punks had children who grew up and now are college-age, they’ve found and dusted off the old collection of one-piece ski outfits, fanny packs, and monoboards.

That brings us to the present: The current ragtag bunch of college kids (known as The Board of Directors), is now the driving force behind World Monoboard. They have found the excitement and joy that riding a monoboard brings. All decisions pertaining to World Monoboard must be agreed upon by ‘The Board’. Collectively their goal is to advance the sport of monoboarding by building the best monoboards and creating a culture of fun and comradery around the sport.

World Monoboard…

Making you look better than you really are.